
Education is the primary source for children to keep their life in safe way. BARAK FOUNDATION provides education material to poor children upto elementary section like community primary schools, model schools, colleges etc. Basic education material required for their studies without any interruption is our goal.
Even BARAK FOUNDATION will help to provide basic needs to children go for school without any interruption. We provide books, school uniforms, note books, travel charges and health care. Hence every one able to go for school.
This project will help to develop children may get education. In future there is no question of unemployment, illiteracy. Poor people can study their children without any financial struggles in Afghanistan.

Skill development

Our organization also supports skill-building among students, boys, girls, men and women to boost employability by providing them vocational computer training and skill development courses so that they can reached to achieve their goal time by time.

Relief and Rehabilitation.

Thousands of people are affected by natural disasters every year and their consequences are catastrophic and emotionally shattering. BARAK FOUNDATION being a people’s organization has always responded to the need on the ground.
We provide relief aid such as food, clothes, clean drinking water, etc to the affected victims to help them cope better with the stress. We also organize rehabilitation work such as building homes depending on the need of the hour.
Covid 19 has upended the lives of many vulnerable children and their families. Afghanistan is currently witnessing the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. BARAK FOUNDATION has been actively responding to the pandemic since its onset and still we are working ahead to fight with it.